Cookie Consent by Free Privacy Policy Generator
IPO Intranet
<February 2025>

Privacy Policy -

This Application collects some Personal Data of its Users.

Personal data collected for the following purposes and using the following services:
  • Access to accounts on third party services
    • Google account access

      Permissions: Email, Username (in case of connection via Google account)

  • Contact the User
    • Mailing List or Newsletter

      Personal Data: email

  • Payment management
    • PayPal

      Personal data: several kind of data as specified by service privacy policy

  • Hosting and backend infrastructure
    • Aruba

      Personal Data: various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service

  • Registration and authentication
    • Direct registration

      Personal Data: email; nickname; password

    • Google Authentication

      Personal Data: email, username

  • Remarketing and behavioral targeting
    • Advertising, Remarketing Google Ads
      • Google ADSense

        Personal data: Cookie; usage data

    • Remarketing with Google Analytics

      DPersonal Data: Cookies; Usage data

    • User ID extension for Google Analytics

      Personal Data: Cookies

    • Advertising reporting functionality in Google Analytics

      Personal Data: Cookies; unique device identifiers for advertising (Google Advertiser ID or IDFA identifier, e.g.); various types of data as specified in the privacy policy of the service

    • Google Analytics demographics and interests reports

      Personal Data: Cookies; unique device identifiers for advertising (Google Advertiser ID or IDFA identifier, for example)

  • Viewing content from external platforms
    • YouTube Video Widget

      Personal Data: Cookies; Usage data

Further information on Personal Data
  • Additional rights of users

    We never and for no reason sell or rent User Data to third parties. The only uses of the Data are those highlighted in this policy. Users are the sole owners of their data and can request modification or cancellation at any time using the contact email in the footer of the site.

Contact info
  • Data Controller

    Label - Label

    Owner contact email: Label
